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  • Writer's pictureLove Blefourie

Come back to your heart…

Stillness speaks

Stillness speaks

Quiet the mind, and let the soul speak. Ssshhh.. Learn to connect with yourself. Spend some time with yourself.. Without others’ influence and without the outside noise. Learn about yourself. You are not just your physical body, that which you spend all your energy and attention on. Your body is just your vehicle while you are in this 3D dimensional world. It’s about remembering who you truly are deep inside. Your physical body is just a tool for you to use while you are here to do what you came here to do.

You didn’t come here to just care about your physical appearance, be a robot, make money, then die. For fucks sakes, come alive.. think, feel, be bold, be your authentic self. Stop following the crowd and trying to fit in a box where you clearly don’t belong in. Be courageous to be your authentic yourself without caring about what others think. You’re not here to please others. You’re not here to just look like a “pretty object” to stare at and to be lust on. Stop trying to follow the crowd like we are all meant to dress the same, talk the same way, act the same way. And stop letting others dictate how you should live your life. Own your power and stop giving it away. Do you even know how powerful you are? Where’s your fire? Where’s your soul? COME ALIVE. Don’t be ashamed to feel.. to be vulnerable. You are a human being. You are meant to feel.. Any range of emotions are valid, feel them, let them out, but don’t attach to them, to anything. We are all here walking our own paths, having our own experiences, learning our own lessons. However this may manifest in the physical, however it may look like to others, it’s nothing like it. There’s more to it than the physical, only you know. And there is no such thing as good and bad, right and wrong. There are just skillful and unskillful ways of doing things. We’ve been so conditioned to feel bad for certain things we do like who are they to judge? We are all doing the best we can with our own level of consciousness. You can’t blame others for being the way they are. If they bother you, maybe check with yourself why you feel a certain way about someone and act from there. Most of the time, they just reflect what we need to work on within ourselves. We are all mirrors and reminders of each other. A mirror to reflect on and a reminder when we forget. This goes for both positive and negative sides of ourselves.

We all have our own shit to deal with. We are all walking our own unique paths. So mind your own and do what you have to do for you. Just remember not to be so hard on yourself.

Also, on a side note, spirituality isn’t all about being positive. It’s about being conscious and aware. It’s about being authentic which includes both positive and negative. Do your own thing, let others do their own too.

*You will realize all the lessons in life all come back to lessons of LOVE. It all starts with you.

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