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February LoveLetter

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December 2018 Message

“You are what you’ve been looking for. The answer is always in you alone. There is nothing in the external world. For the external world...

The Sweetness of Holding Space

Tough times.. are inevitable on this planet. We go through deaths, break ups, losses, etc etc. On these circumstances, we need people who...

Return To Innocence

How did I learn to love my solitude and why I love my solitude: #1 Nature It makes me feel like I am part of everything (because we...

You are ENOUGH

People keep asking to be healed. Searching for answers everywhere. They spend fortunes in the hopes of finding the answers that they...

Obsession with “DOING”

Many are so obsessed with doing things. “Always have to be doing something or else time is wasted.” And when nothing is “going on”, many...


People are so afraid to open up, be vulnerable, and be seen for who and what they truly are. Some people can’t even be vulnerable with...

To die while you are still alive…

In life, we have to die a few times to fully come alive.. to feel that we are alive! Things happen in life where we feel as though...

Stillness Speaks The Truth

Stillness… Silence… mmm.. how sweet it sounds. how amazing it feels. When you feel lost, or distracted, take some time to be alone with...

Spirituality and the New Age Madness

Spirituality seems like the new fad these days. Veganism, yoga, crystals, green smoothies — I’m sorry to burst your bubble but these...

Say YES to YOU! 

Photo Credit: Lightzone Photography Lead with your heart, and all else will follow. Say yes to what your heart calls you and no to what...

Full moon in Gemini – Nov. 25, 2015

LOVE. TRUTH. LIGHT. 💖 Love yourself so much! No one can love you like you can yourself! Do what excites you. Never mind what others...

Come back to your heart…

Stillness speaks Quiet the mind, and let the soul speak. Ssshhh.. Learn to connect with yourself. Spend some time with yourself.. Without...

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