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  • Writer's pictureLove Blefourie

To die while you are still alive…

In life, we have to die a few times to fully come alive.. to feel that we are alive!

Things happen in life where we feel as though everything is falling apart, nothing is going our way, and as if the universe is against us. We may not understand why this is all happening in a mental level and we may try to think about it too much and try to make sense of it, but really, all we’re doing is stressing ourselves out even more. It doesn’t help. Sometimes, we just need to ride the waves, and not drown in it.. Trusting that all will be well, and everything will make sense when it will. I know this is easier said than done, but all we can do is be present with what it is we’re present with at the moment, the emotion, the circumstance, whatever it is.. Be present with it, but don’t be consumed by it. It’s also good to have a support group around. Don’t be afraid to reach out to those who care about you. They will be there for you. Don’t isolate yourself. This is a transition and I know it could be hard and confusing.

You will see, after all the storm, the calmness will come.. It always does. Clarity comes. It will all be well. Things don’t happen by chance, they always happen for a reason.

Cannon Beach, Oregon

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